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주사전자현미경(SEM) - JEOL
JSM-7600F Scanning Electron Microscope
The JSM-7600F is a stateof- the-art thermal FE-SEM that successfully combines ultrahighresolution imaging with optimized analytical functionality. In addition, the JSM-7600F incorporates a large specimen chamber. This uniquely designed chamber, which accommodates a 200 mm diameter specimen, is optimized for a large variety of detectors for secondary electrons, backscattered electrons, EDS, WDS, EBSD, CL, etc.


  • - Ultrahigh resolution comparable to the cold cathode FE-SEM.
  • - In-Lens Thermal FEG.
  • - Aperture angle control lens automatically optimizes the spot size at both high and low currents for both analysis and imaging.
  • - High probe current up to 200 nA (at 15 kV) for various analytical purposes (WDS, EDS, EBSD, CL, etc.)
  • - Built-in r-filter enabling user selectable mixture of secondary electron and backscattered electron images.
  • - Gentle Beam mode for top-surface imaging, reduced beam damage and charge suppression.
  • - Eco design for energy conservation.
JSM-7600F Specifications
SEI resolution 1.5 nm (1 kV) in GB mode, 1.0 nm (15 kV)
Magnification 25 to 1,000,000x (printed as a 120mm x 90mm micrograph)
Accelerating voltage 0.1 to 30 kV
Beam current 1 pA to 200 nA at 15 kV
Aperture angle control lens Integrated
Detector Upper and lower detectors
Energy Filter New r-filter
Gentle beam Integrated
Digital images 1,280 x 960, 2,560 x 1,920, 5,120 x 3,840
Specimen exchange chamber Single step loading/unloading
Specimen stage Eucentric, 5 axis motor drive
X-Y 70 mm x 50 mm 110 mm x 80 mm 140 mm x 80 mm
Tilt -5 to +70° -5 to +70° -5 to +70°
Rotation 360° 360° 360°
Working distance 1.5 mm to 25 mm 1.5 mm to 25 mm 1.5 mm to 25 mm
Vacuum system 2 SIPs, magnetic bearing TMP, RP
Energy efficient design Normal operation: 1.2 kVA
Sleep mode: 1 kVA
Operation system OFF: 0.76 kVA